


Bebeatrice is the self-proclaimed princess of the family’s home where only she reigns. In an adults world, she absorbs everything ever since she can talk, for the best and the worst of her prince/slave, Papaguy and her many subjects.

Producers: Luc Chatelain, Mélanie Campeau, Éric Godin, Guy A. Lepage
Director : Loubat Didier
assistant-producer : Julie Mongeau
Artistic direction : Eric Godin
Studio supervisor : Francis Gélinas, Michele Paquin
Lead animator : Michèle Paquin
Coordinator : Lou Sauvajon, Vivien Gaumand
Scene-planning : Karolina Kossut, Gabriel Jetté
Animators :Natasha Vallée-martin, Guillaume Choinière, Jessie Lemelin, Valérie Lemelin, Marc-Olivier Jean, Vincent Gosselin, Marie-Eve Martin, Mathieu Dufresne, Frédérique Guay, Karolina Kossut, Marc-Andre Paquin, Anne-Marie Robert
Rigging : Nancy Choquette, William Misquith, Eric Guérin, Anne-Marie Robert
Editing : Martin Jean, Gabriel Jetté

Broadcasted on & Radio-Canada